Wednesday, April 11, 2007

We won

I've forgotten how to celebrate. We won today in softball and everyone was super happy and all, but I was just like "about time". We all played really well and it was a close game and super suspenseful, but I just wasn't happy about the win. I guess I've told myself so many times that it's not all about winning, that I really believe it now. Yeah we won, but more importantly, we all had fun. It is softball anyways.

I've got a dilemma and I'm stressing over it. I don't have any job for this summer yet, but I did get a phone interview with a company in west Tennessee today. They makes expensive doors and windows, boring, but it is a job. The only real problem is that they want me to come in for an interview. It's a six hour drive and they want me there at 10am on a Thursday. Not normally a problem, since I have one class, but the Thursday they want me is an exam day. So I could get it moved up a day, but Wednesdays are super packed already. That leaves me with a problem of scheduling. There's really not much time for moving it to the next week and I hate to ask the guy for another day for him to check on. Plus, six hours of driving there and six back. Man that's some crazy road time. fun fun fun. It is a summer engineering job, but geez.

I'm excited about the possibility of moving into a house next year. We found a nice one about 2 blocks from lot 56, so I really think we're going to grab it. I like it and so do Jordan and Steven, or so they say. Could be some uber fun times.

Pray for me. I'm struggling with a lot of negativity and doubt and fear right now. I have many things up in the air for me right now and I really need to get some resolutions on them. I am drinking less Dr.P though.


Anonymous said...

You've been acting so odd lately....what's going on?? Hopefully it's ok. Don't be afraid to talk to me. It seems you haven't lately. :(


Anonymous said...

It is going to be alright. God has a mysterious way of turning things around when you least expect it. Hang in there, Blair.

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