Saturday, May 19, 2007


So my dad got my mom a new GPS handset and tomorrow they're going to look for items my dad bought and we hid all over this place. We drove all over this county and the next to hide those buggers and they're going to have lots of fun finding them. I've been busy cleaning this place up. A ton of people came up Friday and so all week I cleaned the pool and the house. I've got a nice tan now and the house is clean.

I'm going in for two interviews Monday. One is with Eaglepicher in Joplin and one is with an ironworks place in West Fork. I like parts of both, but the EP one is my pick. They provide housing and it would be a really great opportunity for me to get my foot in the door and learn a lot. Speaking of jobs and such, I talked to an old family friend Friday and she really got me excited again about being a mechanical engineer. I really want to do the whole automotive thing I really, really know I can. It's going to be work and not something that I jump into, but it will happen, mark my words. She was so encouraging and I really appreciated it. Thanks Renea, although I doubt you read this. hehehe. Maybe though...

Saw V on Tuesday at a horrible track meet. It rained and rained and thundered and rained some more. Funny story with her mom though. Some random black guy came and jumped in the back seat of her car and scared the poo out of her. It was so funny seeing V laugh as she told the story. It was good to see her and Hot Springs wasn't too bad. I did drain my battery on the way there, so had to fork out the mula to get one of those today. If it's not one thing, it's another.

Heading to Faytown tomorrow. Looking forward to being back in the city with good internet and such. Oh yeah and maybe looking forward to seeing Vanessa. Just a little bit though...a small little bit...;P

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

come on, you know you want to work in west fork! it's such a lovely little town. :) i didn't even know an ironworks existed here, i don't think. where is it? what is it? and i hope things work out well for you.

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