Tuesday, May 01, 2007

It's the calm before the storm

So I got a 91 on my MED test! I pretty much have a B sealed, but an A is still slightly possible. I think I need a 100 on the final, though. My heat test Monday went really bad and I heard the class average was a 52; can't wait to get that back! If I have enough for a B, I'm taking it and running.

Today's been somewhat nice. I played PS2 all day; I played everything from guitar hero to need for speed. It was nice. Steven and I fixed some AWESOME cordon bleu for Kristin and Vanessa. That and some bacon wrapped green beans and some rolls and some...that's it. Oh yeah and some crazy good sauce for the chicken. SO GOOD! I honestly think I am going to open my own food joint. Speaking of joint, I finally picked some paint for my room at the house. It's a burnt red-orange. It's called burnt sienna. Should look good with my blue and red comforter or my Texas one. I can't wait to get in that place!

I can't believe I'm almost a senior. Even more unbelievable is the fact I don't have an internship yet. I applied to Union Pacific yesterday and got a reply that they're not looking anymore. I'm still waiting on Marvin in Tennessee and a few others, but I'm starting to lose hope. No one said getting an internship was hard and I can't understand why my resume isn't selling me very well. Oh well, I suppose I will wait and see what's going to happen. I guess working in McKinney wouldn't be bad, just wouldn't make much money. That's not what it is all about anywho.

1 comment:

Lib said...

It might just take time. My brother Luke had a week or so before they called him back in Little Rock. Patience is a hard thing...you might just have to be patient with it all.

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