Friday, May 11, 2007

This is my 100th!!!

I figure since I won't have internet at home, I should go ahead and update everyone for one last time before I head out. I ended up with a 3.35 this semester. The only two A's I got were MED and Communications. I should've gotten A's in Astro, LARC and Lab II, but for some reason or another, I didn't. Figures. This semester has been really exciting. It started with Jason, Joe and myself getting attacked by blizzards on the way to Jordan's, splitting paths with Megan and applying for summer internships. It has ended with me being hooked up with Vanessa, Jordan and Kara finally making themselves into a couple and still looking for a job for the summer. Somewhere in the mix, we had an awesome trip to Gulf Shores, some amazing .40 shooting by Steven and Joe and a victory for OMG softball. So it's been fun.

Some things to look forward to next year: living in a real house, getting a dog?, maybe actually having money to spend assuming I get a job this summer, some super duper fun classes (scuba is going to rock!), and hopefully some relationships continuing to grow. I am excited for the break, but also excited to see what fall 07 has in store. I know I will be a senior and that will be sad, but lots of planning for the future will be taking place and I hope I can find ways to keep my friends involved with that. I hope to grow closer to God and bring all that I know closer to Him too. I especially hope for God's hand more in my relationship with Vanessa, as only God can ensure a lasting relationship.

I hope you had a safe trip home and I hope to see you soon.

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