Thursday, May 03, 2007

Going down, down in an earlier round

I went and blasted a target today with Joe's new handgun. It was quite relaxing, but I wish I could've blasted all 50 out at once instead of just 10 at a time. I wasn't too bad a shot, but Steven hit a dead bull's eye and impressed all of us. I then came back for a bit and then went to the ME pic-nic. That was fun too and the hog we ate was great. Right after work I am going to see Spiderman 3. It's at midnight and I am super pumped. The whole crew is going and it's going to be uber awesome.

Well I finally took down my postsecret board. I got a few good ones this year, but since I'm not in my room I can't remember what they said. I will try to post them later. I have so many myself, and I think I could post them forever. I might make some up and also throw in some real ones and post them all on here. We'll see I suppose.

I'm not ready for finals. I don't know how to properly study and trying to do so is killing me. I've got so much on my mind about a job this summer to where I'll be living to my grades to grad school to my CP project to money issues. It's wild. I have a C in heat and a B in MED. The B can't change unless I get a 100 or super close, and the C's going to take a middle B to bring up. It's going to be a close semester. I'm taking all my tests and that's something new for me. Wish me luck.

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