Tuesday, November 28, 2006

No time

This week is going to be wild and crazy, I can tell already. I will make it through though, thanks in part to a wonderfully supportive girlfriend. We had a great time over break. It started out with her driving down from Bentonville to see me for a whole 15minutes. I then returned the favor and drove up there to watch some basketball and chill with her family for a bit. Nice people those Mattys.

Anyways she came to LR on Wednesday night and we went to the game on Friday. We played horribly and the refs were really bad. We ended up losing and it just ruined my night, plus the fact Texas lost to A&M. Geez what's happening here? But we had a lot of fun. At one point Megan left the game because it was too much for her, pansy.

Saturday we chilled around the house, started some fires, sat in the hot tub, played basketball and just enjoyed being together. That's the great thing about being with ones you love, you don't have to think or care about anything else. Well at least that was my excuse. hehehe. Okay well I don't have time to be typing on here. I've got start studying for my test tomorrow in Mechanics of Materials and then finish my project for Lab 1 and then study for MDC and fluids and somewhere in there plan a movie night and do homework for MDC due Wednesday and study for electronics. CRAP! Well it's cool. I'm not single and I'm never alone and I control how good or bad my day is going to be. ;) love ya.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am NOT a pansy!

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