Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Almost a new day, almost a new year

Now that that's over, here's what else is going down in my life. I just got back from Dallas today. Man it's been a long day. I drove some, but mostly just slept in the car. I'm looking forward to a full day here eventually, although it won't be for the next two days at least. I've got a doctor to gripe at tomorrow about my bloody fingertips and a good friend to hug on Friday. Yay!

I watched V for Vendetta again today and it still makes me want to dress up and march up to Parking and Transit to protest. Oh well, another lifetime perhaps. Speaking of lifetime...okay this is totally not related but I did some research and I might go study in Cairo fall 07. I've always loved Egypt and stuff and there seems to be a good program there. It'll be tough to pull, but hopefully with an internship this summer I will be able to afford it. Well that's all I've got now. I was a little down earlier about being out in the middle of nothingness again, but then I remembered I've got a chainsaw and a bow and some matches. What I can do with those, only McGuiver can figure out but it's bound to be fun.

One last thing. So I just got back from NO this past week and I've never had to defend my work more than ever in the past couple of days. Most of the stuff people said is probably true, but there are still one out of every ten who honestly deserves some help. I drove through Hope this afternoon and there had to have been over 5,000 trailers there in a field just rotting. ROTTING! I'm talking nice looking trailers too. Actual trailers and a few campers. All seemed nice, but were starting to wear. It seems FEMA can buy trailers, but can't actually transport them. Smarties, those guys. At least they tried eh? Well anyways. If you're from New Orleans and you somehow stumbled on this, welcome. Know that I pray for you on a regular basis. I think you should help each other out more, but I know you're also very devastated and stressed.
I hope some nice group of volunteers down there can find you, hug you and start rebuilding your life. Oh yeah and if the Saints win the Super Bowl, the NFL is rigged. Merry Christmas and a wonderfully prosperous New Year.

This is the blind seer, seeing his way into a new year, one post at a time and probably a few posts early.

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