Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Day two down...

Well I finished day two today. It was slow, but I found some stuff to do. I'll start with my day yesterday. I got there and first thing they told me was that I wasn't supposed to be there until Wednesday. So I got a cool desk right in the middle of the office. I had no cubicle, no computer and a ton of other people's junk on my desk. I went straight into an intern meeting about the two projects. I'm in charge of working out a new process for this induction solderer. It's going to be cool and I'm finding out more and more about it everyday. I overheard this super cool engineer guy talking about it and he found out some more information about the project for me. He's super cool and just graduated from college a few months ago, he's in his 50s or so I'd guess.
So on with my first day, I then had a safety meeting with Joe at 9. He forgot about it, so we went to him. He was really fun and we got to visit the super high, 8 people allowed at a time, cars can only be parked 100ft or more away, explosives mixing area. It was sweet, although nothing more special than seeing like concrete being mixed. We then did some other things which I'm not at liberty to discuss, but basically we got rid of some scrap stuff.

Anywho today was a lot of the same. I spent much more time on the production floor today, which was really fun. Everyone was super friendly and would talk to me about anything. So I did some research about the solderer and tried to find out a little about the problems and such with it. Well Ian is cooking dinner tonight and I'm going to help, so I'll finish this later.

Dinner was pizza and a salad. Good stuff. I think I've become much less picky since I got of college age. I still don't like a lot of stuff, but I'll eat it if I need to. I really don't have much else to talk about. A very old friend of mine from elementary had his sister contact me on facebook earlier and that made my day. I look for him on there all the time. It's cool he found me, finally.

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