Sunday, June 03, 2007

I'm finally settled into my place in Missouri. It's not as nice as I thought it was going to be, but it's okay. My roommate, Ian, is an ME and seems interested in cars, so I think things will go good. I've got a drug test tomorrow and hopefully I can start work on Tuesday.

I feel like driving at an insane speed and hitting some curves. V sent me a Mercedes she designed and I must say she's got some good tastes, albeit expensive ones.
But back to me driving fast, I changed some suspension parts on the front and now my alignment is off. I fixed the toe out problem by adding a bit of toe in, but now it's toe in and straight ahead isn't straight on the steering wheel. Oh well. It drives great and there's some AWESOME curves close to the apartment. I'm looking forward to hitting those when I get it all aligned again.


Anonymous said...

I hope you love your new job! You deserve to considering how hard you worked to get it and how long you had to wait. Be careful on those curves. And oh, that car is BA. FO RIZZLE.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear you got your car fixed so you can hit some wicked curves. Can't get any better than when your car is working amazing.

Yeah, that girl has expensive taste. She is a bit high maintenance, I think. Think you can handle her? It seems that you two get along really well, and she seems to really like you. I hope you guys work out, well, you can keep up with her.


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