Friday, June 01, 2007

A new job?

I GOT A JOB!!! I'll be working for Eaglepicher technologies in their explosive devices plant. I'll basically be working as the utility engineer, basically just doing odds and ends work. Pay is good and the housing is amazing. I live in condo on the country club. Yeah, here I come golf course. I am super excited and hope I learn some good stuff and get lots done. Plus making money is always nicer than just spending it. But yeah, I start work on Wednesday or maybe Tuesday, it depends on when I get drug tested and such.

Well I'm in Fayetteville for the weekend, just hanging out before Vanessa goes to S. Africa. I'm still jealous of her trip and her new camera, but plans are in the making for me to go to Hawaii or possibly somewhere in the Carribean for Christmas vacation. We'll have to see, though.

In other interests, I put some new parts on the front suspension of my car and the toe was way out of whack. I could barely hold the wheel straight and it was shaking like crazy. I finally fixed it and went the opposite way, so now it'll run an awesome high speed straight line but steering is off (straight is actually about 10 degrees left of straight up and down on the steering wheel). It's running great though and I look forward to getting a few parts for it over the summer.

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