Sunday, June 17, 2007

Wow, that was fun

This weekend's been crazy. Friday I ran into town and deposited my first check, woo! I also got my car aligned, which makes those curves near the apartment extra fun. I ran to wally world and got some groceries and made myself some fajitas. Good stuff. Saturday was when the real fun started. I went for my daily run and decided to try a new trail. This trail took me all around the golf course, a whopping 5 miles or so, and took me about an hour and a half. I didn't run the whole way, but it still was quite a run. I went shirtless and the sun ate through my shoulders. Oh well, I'm tan now.

I stayed up late and watched blood diamond. Good movie, I've got to tell you. Really makes you think about what people will do for some rocks. It's cool that the guy in the movie who plays the mummy in the mummy returns actually speaks Afrikaans. Learn something new every day.

Vanessa called this morning. It was real nice to hear her voice, saying my name, it sounded so sweet...hehehe. But even though it was 7:30 when she called, I was glad to actually hear her. We only got about 10 minutes, but we covered a lot. Got off slightly on drinking and the conversation almost turned bad, but I suppose we'll deal with that later, if there's any dealing to do. I don't know why I don't like the idea of my girlfriend drinking. I don't think she'll cheat on me or anything, but I can't really tell you why it makes me uncomfortable. But anywho, I don't know how much drinking will be going on, but we'll deal with whatever when she gets back.

I'm looking forward to popping out some more CAD drawings this week. I've really got to get those to my boss for some revisions and such. Fun stuff!

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