Friday, September 08, 2006


I can't believe people are freaking out about facebook. Honestly, the only new thing is that now I don't have to check your profile all the time to see what's changed. I honestly like it, because I don't have to spend as much time to see what everyone is doing. If you've got a problem with it, quit doing stuff on there. Whatever you post could possibly be seen by everyone.
It's finally FRIDAY! For only being 4 days this was a long week. I have to say that for four days I sure missed Megan lots, but I'm finally starting to manage okay. I do admit I don't send her as many messages/emails/etc as I would like, but I don't want to freak her out. Plus it's easier sometimes to cope if you don't have as much contact. Cope...well it's not that bad, but I am lonely from time to time.
Anyways, I hope this weekend goes productively.
I've got a test in MDC Wednesday, but besides that not much to worry about this weekend, outside of the normal amount of homework. Hope you have a good one.

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