Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Joys of life

I was sitting in my icebox of a room this morning when it was raining outside and I thought about how wonderful it was this one time I went camping. We stayed in this little girlscout tent and we could open up all the sides. Well it rained all night and I woke up early the next morning, like 7 or so and just sat there on the edge of the platform looking at the trees as the rain splattered from leaf to leaf. It was a cool, summer morning and I wrote about it. I don't know what happened to those writings, but the feelings I had that morning never got lost. I'd give almost anything to be back there in that time when everything was just waking up but nestled in because of the cool rain.
I experienced God in that moment. I saw Him in the beauty of it all, which is something I don't do much. I think that's what people mean when they say "stop to smell the roses." I hope you get a chance to stop and experience God's wonderful creation. I'm not an outdoorsy type guy most of the time, but it seems when you meet the right people or you're in the right places you can get to like it much, much more. Have a great day!

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