Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Yay Engineering!

Man today was a toughie. I got to sleep more because I didn't work, and I thought the day was going to go good. It started out nice. I met some nice twins in history and the class was actually interesting. So everything was good. Then I went to meet up with my lab group and got stuff ready for our report. That came along nicely and we turned it in on time. Lab itself was a bit pointless, but we still had some fun. Then I left lab and started homework due tomorrow. I started at 6 or so and I'm done now at 945. My eyes burn and my brain hurts. I miss my girlfriend and there's a possibility I don't see her this weekend as much as I'd like. I don't know what to think about that and personally I'm not going to think anymore about it. My thinking has been shot for the day. And it all started so good.

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