Thursday, September 14, 2006


Man I'm glad Friday is tomorrow bc I am beat! It's been a long week. I had a quiz today in history, which I blew off, and regretted it. Then tomorrow I've got a quiz in fluids, but I think I'll ace it. Monday is a test fluids, followed by a test in MechEMat. Add that to the fact that I've got homework due in MDC Monday and it makes for an awesome weekend. You know I was looking at some car stuff today and I've decided I wouldn't trade it for anything. It's tough, but I think it will pay off in the end, at least I hope so. I've been working on my resume some and I've got to get it ready for the job fair Tuesday. I'm a bit worried because I don't have much experience in engineering besides my legoes and rockets I used to build.
So as you can see I've got a ton of stuff to do and then add that to my dwindling social life and it gets crazy. I'm going over to Nelly's Saturday to make monkey bread, got a razorback party at Vanessa's and then I've also got to drop my car off at the tranny place. Add that to practice on Friday, basketball Friday night and a weekend of studying and you get a nice slice of busybee pie.

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