Sunday, September 17, 2006


This was a great weekend! I didn't get alot done, but then it's the weekend and I shouldn't have to do anything on the weekend. I hung out with the girls all day Saturday, watching football and having a good time. Then I came back to the dorm and then 3 hours later went back to their place, by their begging, to watch a movie. We stayed up late, but I'm not feeling too bad. Today I got quite a bit done, including studying for a test tomorrow and a little homework due tomorrow.
Then it got hairy. I went to Hall Senate with a shirt design. This design was due by Friday to the Senate President. So I hassled my main man artist and he finally, after putting some school stuff on hold, and got me a beautiful shirt designed. So I submitted it and then tonight we voted on it. Well the design we voted against basically was the same design with three different variables and then mine. The part which really aggrivates me is the fact that people voted on a design which wasn't even completed. The shirt won and they had NO clue exactly what it was going to look like. UGH!!! I am so fed up with politics!
I'm going to have an awesome weekend and I can't wait to see my girl in two weeks. I miss her alot, but don't tell her that. hehehe

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