Thursday, September 21, 2006


This is so stupid! The U of A has once again taken the students into account and not planned any breaks from now until Thanksgiving. I swear, sometimes I wonder who's keeping this place running. But then I wonder who keeps me running sometimes too. Like now, for instance. I slacked off on Monday and Tuesday. Enjoyed myself and now I'm paying for it like a madman. WHY?!?!? For the chance to get B.S. Mechanical engineering on my degree? So I can go out into the work place and my employer doesn't have to teach me all new stuff, just refreshers on everything? Well here's to hoping EVERYTHING I'm learning will be put into use in my life. Cause I swear if this electronics stuff which is eating my lunch doesn't get put into use, I'm going to curse the day I enrolled.

Wow! I actually feel much better now. I don't really feel the need to discuss the fact that I am, once again, in a long distance relationship, cause now my venting is done and over. But honestly, what kind of sick card have I been dealt that I fall madly in love with girls who live/move hours away? As I type this, I wonder if breaking up would be best for us. I know she's guilted by me all the time and I know I feel like poop alot because she's not here. But if we were to break up, then I'd be giving up and this monster would win again. That's not going to happen dear chum. Distance is NOT going to get this relationship. Honestly, it has been the leading factor in at least two breakups and probably contributed to a few others in some way or another. So the questions is "Is Megan worth it?". I've dealt with pain when it comes to her before, but it was relatively short lived compared to this. The problem is that distance is really the only thing that is the problem here. Yeah she's not always prioritizing me like I'd like, but then I can't be first in her life all the time. I know I don't always put her first, but she knows I would if I could. I wish I could just jump in her head and see how much being apart from me pains her. Cause I think knowing that she's missing me like I miss her would help alot. But we all know that can't happen. I'm just going to go by faith that she's doing what she can to be with me without being outrageous. But then is coming to see me ever outrageous? I suppose so. It's all good. I just feel sorry for her when she gets back up here for good, cause I'm going to be a puppy for a while and follow her everywhere. hehehe. That sounds like fun. oh, I've discovered bold! This is going to be fun.
I've got to get to work on some mechEmat or something productive like that. I love college, it's too bad I don't have time for it. I could just sit here and stare at the pics Megan sent me. I swear that smile could bring world powers to their knees.

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