Wednesday, February 14, 2007

It's Valentine's Day

Man I know most people are going to hate today, and I've even got a Valentine and I hate today. It's so dumb because it does remind everyone that they're single. If you're in a good relationship, every day should be like today. I guess it just gives some people that little bit of extra power to do something sweet. I dunno, but it's kinda dumb.

Today went well. I have three tests this Monday and one tomorrow, but I'm not worried at all. I have not been just real studious this semester, but I feel like I've paid better attention and I can do fine on these tests.

My ankle was as sore as all get out today. I iced it last night and have been moving it around a lot to get it flexed some more and man it's hurting. Now time for scalding hot water. Poo! It's lukewarm at best. Oh well, I've got an early morning

I got a Texas Longhorn teddy bear (you rock btw), some monkey bread (dry, but oh so good), some candy from my mom (she is the best) and some amazing cookies from my 8 year old girlfriend at home. Wooo...I can eat one piece a day until Spring Break.

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