Saturday, February 03, 2007

Jumpbo Shrimp at Red Lobster

Yum...So this past week has been awesome! I got out of classes on Thursday and Friday. I finished up all my homework Thursday, so now I'm just sitting around doing PS2 or Xbox 360 or whatever. Seriously, I spent five hours at Joe's yesterday playing Gears of War. Such a fun game, with so much blood and cussing and craziness. Jason and I whipped some tail. TAKE THAT YOU DUMB BATS! I do feel like all this is going to catch up with me, but I honestly think I will keep doing nothing. WOOOO! Okay maybe I'll read or something.

I think the senior walk here is retarded. I can't believe we use that as our recruiting thing. Honestly, whoever designed those commercials=dumb.

Kudos to the crew last night. I don't give you guys enough credit. Had I not been busy, I might would've walked out and let all of you know you caught me. I did laugh about it all night. You guys, you guys are crazy!

I had so much fun in the ice last night. I did a 180 in the parking lot at V's and then fishtailed twice on the roads with my e-brake. So much fun!

Well I'm going to look at my communications book and watch the Hogs play some ball. I hope they can beat those Wildcats of Kentucky.

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