Friday, February 09, 2007


It's FRIDAY! This week has flown by. I've been soooo busy. Nonstop action. I hope I can finish up my stuff soon and then relax/study all weekend. MED is this thursday and I'm scared. I've not been able to do a single problem on my own. This stuff is tough. I'm sure it'll turn out okay, but I don't want to be studying all Wednesday. I've got Bible study and dinner to cook and plans to scheme and lab. yummy.

Today was Drew's birthday. I feel like I barely know the guy since he hooked up with Janet. I mean, he skipped ski trip, he never plays ball or hangs out. Sadness...We' re going o Mexico Viejo for his birthday dinner tonight and then maybe ice skating, but I'd rather play ball, so I'll probably skip on the pansy stuff and go play some ball. Ice=cold=blah. Boarding in the snow is all that's worth my time. We'll see, maybe I'll do it to see if I can salvage this friendship. I sure hope so, we were best of buds and I considered him one of my best friends. We'd discuss romantic plans for our girlfriends on Vday or birthdays or Christmas. It was fun times. Talked about all sorts of stuff.

I'm tired. Brush teeth, contacts out, sleep. Hm....sleep.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was asleep before he even got woken up out of his little mucus pod thing. It was off and on but the last thing I remember is where they have to hide from the machines and someone said they'd never want a life on the run in hiding or something. wee. yeah....

Have a good Saturday. It's gonna be hard getting up at 8 to drive home. agh.


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