Tuesday, February 27, 2007

we're all doomed

The human race might as well just start shooting people. I swear there are so many lazy, crude, rude, mean people out there it makes me sick. I put up my post secret wall again and today I got two cards which absolutely infuriated me. One was about little kids and had lots of crude language and the other was about having relations with animals. Neither came from the heart, they both came from "hey this would be so funny to put up". I swear...This weekend Gregson became some residents' dump. The bathrooms were disgusting, the trash chutes backed up because ppl just piled crap in them and downstairs, 20 feet from a dumpster, there was a pile of trash. Honestly, do people not have manners or sense or what? It makes me so mad that someone doesn't beat their faces in and let them know that this sort of stuff isn't acceptable.

Man today went so well. I did tons of stuff and had some wonderful company all day. Although she spent most of her time with the organic book, we did get a little time to talk and that's always worth the wait. I finished all but one assignment I had planned on doing and got lots of reading done. Man oh man! Tomorrow I am going to swim and burn some uber calories and eat the rest of my sushi and spend, hopefully, more time with V.

Watched the illusionist tonight with the crew. I managed to get some money alloted for a weekly movie night, complete with pizza and drinks and snacks. It's super fun and, like the Bible study tomorrow night, a good way to sit back and relax for a bit. Hm...well that's all on my mind right now. Jordan's got me jealous with his situps and pushups, so I'm going to climb down onto the floor and do a few myself. Spring break is in...3 weeks!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Are you alright? Cause you just kind of signed off...

just checkin


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