Sunday, February 25, 2007

Yeah I'm moving in with you...

So this weekend has flown by. I got really sick Thursday night/Friday morning and lost everything I had eaten for the past 2 days. Man it was so bad. I went to my 930 class and that was a huge mistake. I ended up sleeping for the rest of the day, and I felt a little better. I went to the baseball game, which was fun, but I miss the old days of Steve and Aspen. Pirates just aren't the same with out those crazy guys. I had to leave early, I started feeling bad again and came back to sleep some more. At 9, I went and balled for about 5 minutes and felt sick and my ankle hurt some more. Poop!

Dad came in today. I love my dad. He's so cool in a like a college kid way. He could totally pull it off again. We watched the Tennessee/Arkansas High game. Those crazy hogs players, they couldn't have beaten a good high school team tonight. I felt bad for buying those tickets for $20 apiece. Oh well, I got to see dad.

We talked some tonight about guys sleeping with girls. Just sleeping, nothing else. Is it wrong if everyone who knows they do it, knows they're just sleeping/talking? I talked about this couple who are both serious Christians and how they were so anal about making sure everyone knew that the house they bought they weren't living in together until they got married. That seems economically dumb, I mean it's really between God and them right? I don't personally see the problem with a couple sleeping together, from time to time when they haven't got to see much of each other lately, as long as everyone knows they are just sleeping. But then I guess there's no way to possibly know that 100%.

Well my weekend's almost shot now. I need to get to bed. I'm actually in the room before 2 am for a change. I am going to work on Sarah's car tomorrow. Should be some fun to get down and dirty in the car engine bay. Wooo. I hope I'm remembered some day for being the guy that would drop everything and come help my friends. If not, I'm trying to be that guy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are doing a good job at being that guy.


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