Tuesday, January 16, 2007

aw poop

Well today was my first string of classes. The first class started great. We moved rooms and still about 7 people ended up sitting on the floor. It was Machine Element Design class. It seems pretty fun, but I've forgotten a ton of stuff since MechEMat and I'm a bit scared. I did some "review" problems earlier and it took over an hour and I still have a ways to go. I guess I'm just out of sync or something. My second class went pretty good. We did have a quiz, that I bombed, but he drops a ton of grades. It's lab II with my adviser and he is a cool cat.

So housing is really making me mad and I think this is going to be the last semester I live on campus. They're requiring a 230$ prepayment which will only apply to spring semester. I'm not sure what I'm doing next year, but I don't think I will be here either fall or spring semester. I don't want to pay now if I'm not going to be here for the fall or if I will be here in fall and not spring. It's ridiculous! Stupid, absurd. I can go on and on. So I'm seriously doubting I recontract. I am going to talk to Jordan and see if he wants to move off campus and if our scholarships will pay for it. I'm not at all hurt to skip out on cafeteria food and community bathrooms. Not at ALL! I just don't know what I'm going to do right now and that is both exciting and scary. I think taking some time off to prolong the college experience would be good for me and fun to see a new batch of friends, but I don't know how long I want to do that. I'm afraid once I stop, it will be tough to start again. I guess if I'm doing engineering stuff, it'll be alright. I don't know though. Study abroad is an option in the fall with internships in the spring or I could go here again in the fall and study abroad in the spring or just study abroad in fall and come here in the spring. I don't know. I'd like to break the monotony of classes here, cause I'm already feeling burn out. I don't know. Any suggestions? Comments? Words on your experiences with housing, scholarships, study abroad, Mustain leaving the Razorbacks? It's all up in the air.


Anonymous said...

Do what you want to do, don't let anyone else make that decision for you.

Blair said...

You think so? Well thanks for the input anonymous person. If I do what I want to do and not let anyone else make a decision for me, aren't I letting you make a decision for me? Thanks anyways...hehehe.

Anonymous said...

I would tell you to suck it up and just finish...get it done with. What's with all this taking a break stuff? I don't get it. Just buck up and get it done. The sooner you get done the sooner you can get out into the "real" workforce. I know this sounds pathetic but PLEASE don't move off campus!! I would be terribly lonely and would have basically no one to hang out with on campus....which is where I am mostly. Plus...I was gonna move into Gregson so I wouldn't have to bother walking back and forth to Yocum all the time. But you know...I guess your decision has nothing to do with what I want. So do as you please. But I would be sooo sad if you move off campus because the trend seems to be that I lose contact with those people and hardly ever see them. oh well. shrug. You'll do what you want I guess....


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