Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Missing something

i don't know what it is, but here lately I've been feeling like something is missing. Not missing so much as there is something I really want to do and I can't find what it is. I've got class in 8 minutes and I feel like there is something I'm supposed to do or something I really want to do. I don't know what it is. It's driving me up a wall. The post secret project in the hallway has a few cards, but I can't tell if they're any good. Probably just someone putting some random comment into the box. I have noticed about half of my notecards gone, so maybe some one is doing something. Or maybe someone just wanted some free note cards. People these days.

Comm class last night was really fun. I laughed a lot because I see most of the gender things we talked about happening all the time. I kept thinking of how most of my girlfriends are more towards the masculine side of communications, but how I can see different aspects of the woman's side in each of them. It also explained a lot about various girls I've dated. It's kinda sad the lack of confidence women tend to have. There are quite a few out there who seem to be figuring it out though. Well I have five minutes to get to class, so I better go. I can barely keep my eyes open typing this, let alone listening to a lecture for 1.5 hours. FUN!

Besides the not knowing what I want, I'm feeling pretty good today. It's sunny and freezing, but it's sunny and that's more than I get most days. I almost typed that I wish I was on a snowboard in Colorado, but I think people need to be satisfied with where they are. I guess I can't talk though.


Anonymous said...

I wish you were on a snowboard in Colorado! =)

Anonymous said...

There's a John Mayer song called "Something's Missing." You should check it out. It's good.


Anonymous said...

Maybe just maybe, that something you're missing is missing you too.

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