Saturday, January 13, 2007

Rain, rain go away...

So every time I either leave or leave for Fayetteville it's raining. I swear it ALWAYS does that to me. It's like God's trying to tell me to stay home or stay at school, quit going back and forth. It's always sad leaving home. I miss my dad a lot, because we're both really crazy out working on the farm. I cut trees down on top of myself and he gets infected with poison ivy. I know my little brother doesn't work much, so it's kinda sad. Plus he's got a girl up here and he's ALWAYS on the phone with her. ALWAYS! It's ridiculous really. Whatever.

I went to a Caddo game last night and, as usual, they didn't let me down. The two girls teams won pretty easily, but the boys put up a game and a half. We were up by two most of the game, and at the end, the other team took the lead. We got ahead by one and there was about a minute left to go. I couldn't restrain myself anymore and I headed down to the student section. I started some chants and led most of them. It was super fun and we ended up winning.

So it's raining like crazy, but on the way I did occasionally clear the fog on my windows enough to see some stuff.
1) Dumb truckers driving 20 under the speed limit.
2) Some ducks running and jumping in the puddles in people's yards
3) Some drainage covers spilling out water in Mena
4) Some idiots with no lights on.
5) Kara

Fun trip. I stopped by Kara's house, which is super nice btw, and ate a kicking good burger. I got gas for 2.09 and found out I'm averaging around 26 mpg and also totally blew my exhaust open. I now drive a nice muscle car, with a nice beefy exhaust note. You should hear it. Seriously.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There was gas for 1.97 right up the road a little ways...I bet that makes you mad huh?


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