Tuesday, January 02, 2007

My legs are kinda sore

So I hiked for about three hours today in the RMNP and it was some deep snow. We used some awesome snow boots with these sharp spikes and wide bases. They helped alot, but didn't help all the time. I slid a few times and couldn't always make it up the hills. The area was beautiful. There was like 3 or more feet of snow in the unpacked areas and we walked across several frozen ponds, lakes, etc. When we got to the summit, the view was cool and the final lake we came upon was really nice, but super windy and cold.

We then came back to Jordan's and watched some super troopers, ate some amazing lunch, and rented our snowboards and skis. We're super pumped about tomorrow, although I'm a bit nervous that I won't be able to pick up where I left off or even better. I'm going to have to be sure to keep my head straight and not lose confidence in whatever I've got. It's a war on multiple fronts-physical and mental. Always...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so jealous about the hiking. I listened to your message when I woke up and I was like "Jerk." lol. Hope you all are having a nice time.

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