Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Snowboarding is the place to be

So we had our first day on the slopes today. We left super early, but had a good time. I'm not in nearly the snowboarding shape I need to be, but I'm making it. I'm much better than last year, but still not as good as I should be. I did break my shoes, so I got a new setup today to try tomorrow. I'm looking forward to that. It's kinda funny how everyone's all gung-ho about blacks and stuff, because to me, they're dumb for boarding. I can't do any cool tricks when I'm struggling to stay alive going down a massive hill. I felt kinda bad last year when all the skiers beat me so bad, but I don't feel that way so much now. I saw a ton of good boarders wipe out and a ton more just sitting around on the snow. I only managed four trips down today, but it was a long trail and I was exhausted. From what I hear, boarding is much harder than skiing and also more tiring, so I don't feel so bad about my four trips. They were all fun, minus one trip where I had to pee so bad I couldn't concentrate.

Boarding is like football for me. I'm nervous before I start and dread it, but once I get going, it's pure bliss. I did pop my head really hard today and so I'm not as excited now as I was earlier. I need a helmet. My head still hurts, and I'm really sleepy and my pupils are lagging. Concussion is my prognosis. Who knows?

So yeah it was fun today. More than anything I like seeing all the people try their tricks and try not to look dumb when they wipe out. "It was the wind." "Did you see that kid cut me off?" "He knocked me down." My excuse is that I hit my head and couldn't concentrate anymore and once I had to pee so bad I couldn't think straight. Honestly, I'm pretty decent now. I get on streaks and then end up wiping out when I get tired. My problem is I can't heelside turn and my calves get tired of toesiding it. Oh well, tomorrow's a new day.

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