Monday, January 01, 2007

Colorado by morning

It was a crazy trip here. We left at 6:45am from Fayetteville and showed up at Jordan's house around 3:30am. It was so much fun to get here. We started driving north into Kansas and hit a massive blizzard. We discovered that I70 was closed west of Salina so we turned around and headed south and then west across Oklahoma. It was all good and then we hit an ice storm. EVERYTHING was coated with ice. We even saw this sad cow frozen in a few feet of ice. It was calving and a sad picture. We got to Guymon and everyone was there. It was so crowded in the city. Well we kept going west and got to Boise City and they would not let us go any further west or north. We turned around and headed north from Guymon. We got into Kansas again and the roads weren't great, but passable. We did see a girl lose control and slam into a guard rail. She was okay and we continued trekking along. We got to I70 and the entrance ramp was blocked by some semis and so we had to head east again and then north to I70. We finally got on and it was much cleaner. I got up to 75 or so a few times. We finally rolled into Greeley around 2:45 and due to the incompetence of Joe, we made it to Jordan's around 3:30.

We're going to Rocky Mountain National Park to hike for a bit tomorrow. We're going to get some snow boots or something with spikes and waterproofing and then later we'll check out our ski gear. We've not done anything today but eat and watch NCAA football. Our wonderful hogs managed to lose another game. They're good when they are consistent but today was not one of those days. The refs and commentators sucked major donkey today too. oh well.

Jordan's house has soooo much snow. There's about two feet everywhere and most places have much more snow than that. I stepped into some snow earlier and it was way deeper. I had trouble getting out, but I made it finally.

Some fun things I did on the trip.
1) Try to hit as many birds as possible. I nailed 3, one solid and Joe managed 1 I think.
2) See how many cars we could pass and still not slide on the ice.
3) Go totally random on the iPods.
4) Laugh at little trucks with two wheel drive.
5) Find power outlets anywhere I could to charge my phone, including a burger king bathroom area, and a walmart lamp aisle.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kill as many birds as possible. yay.

lol on the lamp aisle.

I'm even more disappointed that I didn't go with you guys now that Jess isn't going anymore. Suck.

Tell everyone "HEY HEY HEY...alright." ok ok.


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