Thursday, January 11, 2007

we all have our stories

So I just finished the third and final Lord of the Rings movie. It was a tear jerker, I won't lie. It's so sad because at the end, much like real life, they all split up. Sam and Frodo and Gandalf and the rest endured so much together and in the end, they had to go onto their own journeys. It makes me think a lot about the guys I've grown so close to during college, through finals and essays and dumb papers and projects and poor professors. We grew so close and it's going to be sad someday to move on. At the same time, I have to be careful not to stick in the student for life rut and actually move on. Granted, I'm thinking more and more of going after my Master's degree, but still at some point I have to get into the work force and make a new life for myself. Along those same lines, I've thought some more and I think I'd rather go abroad in the spring. I think it'd be cool to see the land down under during the fall and winter and plus, as bad as this sounds, I don't want to miss any football games. I do so much love college football. If I do that and end up not being able to get all classes in, that's fine. I just take what I can pay for and then go an extra semester and graduate either during the summer or during the fall. I'm an open-ended book right now.

So I got in trouble today for using a metal spoon on one of mom's new, stick-proof pans. She went on and on and on for about 30 minutes, after 15 or so I found a new task outside to do. I heard her inside still ranting. It's kinda sad she feels she has to be so mad about some pans. I guess she's always wanted some like those and she didn't want them to get messed up. I don't know. I was just trying to cook myself something to eat. But I got mad at first and then I just laughed. Over and over. It started when I thought about this picture I once got of this girl in profile that read on the back "for personal reasons". That always makes me smile and chuckle. So I just laughed and finished my job outside, went inside, ate dinner and it was all peachy. I thought I might cuss or threaten to never come home again, but I just let it go. For me, that's a huge accomplishment. It gets to the point, I suppose, where respect for your parents comes even in their flaws. It's love speaking. That's what love of another person is, dealing with them even in spite of their flaws. I guess I've never be able to hold onto that kind of love with a significant other. I wonder what it truly feels like. I've thought I could do it, but in the end, I failed. That's okay, all relationships teach you something and lead you to something/someone else. I learned a lot from my relationship with Megan, and I hope I learned enough to call the next relationship I have the last one, but if not I know God will lead me through it. He always does. ALWAYS. Never failing, never cheating, never too much to handle, never ending. That's God. He's my homeboy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"for personal reasons"...=)

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